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Pronunciation of the “-s/-es” sound

In English, verbs change when referring to different subjects. This page focuses on the third person singular, where the verb often takes on the “-s” or “-es” ending in the present tense.  If you’d like a reminder of the rules, click here.

Pronunciation of the "-s/-es" sound

1 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

He prefers his coffee with sugar.

2 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

She loves playing with her dog.

3 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

Artificial Intelligence learns by itself.

4 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

He mixes all the ingredients.

5 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

The sun shines brightly in the sky.

6 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

My brother cleans his room every week.

7 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

He locks the door when he leaves.

8 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

He goes to school every day.

9 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

The clock chimes at midnight.

10 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

Tom visits his friends on weekends.

11 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

He passes the bakery on his way to work.

12 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

Sarah does her homework every evening.

13 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

The cat runs after the mouse.

14 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

He speaks English fluently.

15 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

She watches her favorite TV show every Friday.

16 / 16

What is the sound of the ending of the verb in the following sentence:

She walks to school every day.

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