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Prepositions of Time – in, on, at

Here are 12 multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge of the prepositions of time: in, on, and at.

Prepositions of Time - in, on, at

1 / 12

We always have a family dinner ___ Thanksgiving.

2 / 12

She wakes up early ___ the morning.

3 / 12

My birthday is ___ June.

4 / 12

The movie starts ___ 7:30 PM.

5 / 12

He was born ___ 1995.

6 / 12

We have a meeting ___ Monday.

7 / 12

She usually visits her grandparents ___ the weekend.

8 / 12

The concert is ___ Friday night.

9 / 12

I have an appointment ___ the afternoon.

10 / 12

They are going on vacation ___ the summer.

11 / 12

The store closes ___ midnight.

12 / 12

We always go skiing ___ January.

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