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Multiple-Choice Exercise: Lie vs. Lie vs. Lay

A common source of confusion is the difference between “lie,” “lie,” and “lay.” This exercise will help you practice and reinforce your understanding of the correct usage of “lie” (both meanings) and “lay” in various tenses.

How to Remember the Differences:

  • Lie (untruth) – Focuses on something false. Think: “Tell a lie.”
  • Lie (recline) – Focuses on resting or reclining. Think: “Lie down.”
  • Lay (place) – Focuses on placing something. Think: “Lay an object down.”

Lie vs. Lie vs. Lay

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1 / 12

The politician __________ about his involvement in the scandal.

2 / 12

Every night, I __________ down on my bed to read.

3 / 12

Yesterday, the cat __________ on the warm spot on the couch.

4 / 12

The chickens __________ eggs every morning.

5 / 12

When I arrived home, I __________ the groceries on the kitchen table.

6 / 12

After the long walk, we __________ down on the grass to rest.

7 / 12

She __________ to her boss about finishing the project on time.

8 / 12

This morning, I __________ the newspaper on the coffee table.

9 / 12

The dog always __________ down next to the fireplace.

10 / 12

Last weekend, I __________ in the sun for hours.

11 / 12

He has __________ on that couch all day.

12 / 12

They __________ the foundation for the new house last year.

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The average score is 76%


For the complete explanation, see Lie vs. Lie vs. Lay: Understanding the Differences

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