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Keyboard Characters and Punctuation Marks

These characters are not just random symbols; they play a crucial role in writing, coding, and communication.  Test you knowledge below.

Characters and Punctuation

1 / 12

Which character is used to indicate possession or a contraction?

2 / 12

What is the primary use of the "@" symbol?

3 / 12

Which character is commonly used to indicate a range?

4 / 12

What is the purpose of parentheses ( )?

5 / 12

Which character is used in URLs and to separate directories?

6 / 12

Which symbol is used to represent a percentage?

7 / 12

How is the ampersand (&) symbol primarily used?

8 / 12

Which character is used to connect closely related independent clauses?

9 / 12

Which character is often used to indicate an exponent in mathematical expressions?

10 / 12

What is the primary function of quotation marks (" ")?

11 / 12

Which character is used to separate items in a list?

12 / 12

What does the dollar sign ($) represent?

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