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Irregular Verbs

In English grammar, verbs are categorized as either regular or irregular based on how they form their past tense and past participle. While regular verbs follow a standard pattern (adding “-ed” to form the past tense and past participle), irregular verbs have unique forms that do not follow this pattern.

Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs do not follow the pattern of adding “-ed” to form the past tense.

1 / 12

She ____ her keys at home yesterday.

2 / 12

They ____ a delicious dinner last night.

3 / 12

He ____ a great job on his project.

4 / 12

My cat ____ a mouse in the garden last week.

5 / 12

We ____ to the beach during our vacation.

6 / 12

She ____ her grandmother yesterday.

7 / 12

The children ____ the playground after school.

8 / 12

He ____ his favorite book last night.

9 / 12

They ____ a fantastic concert last weekend.

10 / 12

She ____ her bicycle to school yesterday.

11 / 12

The baby ____ for the first time yesterday.

12 / 12

We ____ a lot of fun at the party last weekend.

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