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Confusing Words & Expressions: TO ME vs FOR ME

The difference between “to me” and “for me” mainly revolves around their usage in sentences and the nuances they convey. Take the quiz and see how well you know the difference. To review the material before taking the quiz, go to the TO ME vs FOR ME page.

Confusing Words & Expressions


1 / 12

Which sentence shows "for me" indicating a favor or help?

2 / 12

Which sentence correctly uses "to me"?

3 / 12

When someone is giving their opinion, which phrase is appropriate?

4 / 12

Which of the following sentences uses "to me" correctly?

5 / 12

What does "for me" usually imply?

6 / 12

Complete the sentence: "Can you hold this ___?" (You are asking for help.)

7 / 12

Which sentence correctly uses "for me" to indicate benefit?

8 / 12

When you want to express personal feelings, which phrase do you use?

9 / 12

Which sentence correctly uses "for me"?

10 / 12

Which of the following would you say when expressing a personal opinion?

11 / 12

Which sentence correctly uses "to me" when indicating someone's thoughts?

12 / 12

Complete the sentence: "This job is very difficult ___."

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