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Beside vs. Besides

Use “beside” when referring to physical proximity or location.
Use “besides” when adding information or expressing an additional point.

Beside vs. Besides

1 / 12

__________ the traffic noise, the apartment is peaceful and quiet.

2 / 12

Please sit __________ me at the dinner table.

3 / 12

__________ his love for adventure, he enjoys quiet evenings at home.

4 / 12

We found a cozy café __________ the movie theater.

5 / 12

__________ mathematics, she excels in physics as well.

6 / 12

The cat sleeps __________ the fireplace during the winter.

7 / 12

__________ his busy schedule, he finds time to volunteer at the local shelter.

8 / 12

Sarah's house is located __________ the park.

9 / 12

__________ his academic achievements, he is also a talented musician.

10 / 12

I always sit __________  my best friend in class.

11 / 12

__________ studying English, she is also learning French.

12 / 12

The book is __________ the lamp on the table.

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