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Articles and Determiners II

Test your understanding of the use of determiners to sound more fluent and accurate in English. To review the material before taking the quiz, go to the Articles and Determiners II page.


Determiners are words that come before a noun to clarify what the noun refers to.

1 / 12

______ people came to the event.

2 / 12

Can I have ______ apple?

3 / 12

I can’t find ______ book.

4 / 12

We don’t have ______ time to finish the project.

5 / 12

These are ______ books, but those over there are ______.

6 / 12

______ children in this class enjoy art.

7 / 12

He gave ______ sister a gift.

8 / 12

______ of the students passed the exam.

9 / 12

______ house is the nicest one on the block.

10 / 12

We don’t need ______ help right now.

11 / 12

______ students have submitted their assignments on time.

12 / 12

______ of the cake is left, but we can share it.

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