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Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Exercises

Test you knowledge of would have, could have, and should have in English to talk about hypothetical situations in the past. To review the material before taking the quiz, go to the Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda page.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, for hypothetical situations in the past.

1 / 17

I __________ (go) to the concert, but I was feeling sick.

2 / 17

She __________ (call) you, but she forgot her phone at home.

3 / 17

They __________ (win) the game if they had practiced more.

4 / 17

You __________ (tell) me you were coming, and I would have prepared dinner.

5 / 17

We __________ (arrive) on time if we hadn’t missed the bus.

6 / 17

You _______ called me when you arrived, but you forgot.

7 / 17

I _______ gone to the meeting, but I didn’t feel well.

8 / 17

They _______ passed the test if they had studied harder.

9 / 17

He _______ won the race if he hadn’t tripped.

10 / 17

She _______ told us earlier; now it’s too late to change anything.

11 / 17

I would have visited you...

12 / 17

They could have finished the project...

13 / 17

We could have traveled to Spain...

14 / 17

I didn’t know it was your birthday. I _________ you a gift.

15 / 17

We missed the bus! We _________ left earlier.

16 / 17

He _________ passed the exam if he had studied harder.

17 / 17

She didn’t wear a jacket, so she got cold. She _________ worn a jacket.

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