Category: GRAMMAR


MAYBE vs MAY BE Even though the two words contain the same letters, the space between those letters makes a difference because maybe is an adverb while may be is a verb. As such, their definitions are different and one can never be used in the place of the other. Look: MAY BE (Verb Phrase) …

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Conditionals – MIXED Conditionals

Understanding Mixed Conditionals Mixed Conditionals are a combination of two different types of conditionals, typically mixing the second and third conditionals. They are used to express situations where the time in the “if” clause is different from the time in the main clause. This allows for a more nuanced expression of hypothetical situations that may …

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Conditionals – The THIRD Conditional

What is the third conditional? The Third Conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or unreal situations in the past and their imagined outcomes. It’s commonly used to express regrets, wishes, or events that didn’t happen. Examples: In each case, the situation is impossible to change because it’s already in the past. Forming the Third …

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Conditionals – The SECOND Conditional

What is the Second Conditional? The Second Conditional is a grammatical structure used to talk about hypothetical, imaginary, or extremely unlikely situations. It allows us to express dreams, wishes, and scenarios that are not based in reality. Structure The Second Conditional follows this structure: Examples: Compare First & Second Conditionals It’s important to distinguish between …

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Conditionals – The FIRST Conditional

What is the first conditional? The First Conditional is used to talk about situations that are likely or possible in the future. It describes a real, specific outcome that will happen if a condition is met. Example Sentences: This conditional structure helps us talk about things that are realistic or likely in the future as …

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A vs. AN: Indefinite Articles

Both A and AN are indefinite articles in English, and they mean exactly the same thing. They are used before singular, countable nouns when you are not referring to a specific item. However, the choice between A and AN depends entirely on the sound of the word that follows—not necessarily the first letter of that …

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Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous tenses can sometimes be used interchangeably, but they often emphasize different aspects of an action. Here’s a breakdown of when they are the same and when they are different: When the Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Are the Same: Both tenses can be used to talk about …

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“Because” vs. “Because of”

What’s the difference between “because” and “because of”? In most cases, “because” is followed by a subject and a verb, and “because of” is typically followed by a single word or phrase. Here are two sentences with similar meanings, but with different structures to help illustrate this difference: “The concert was canceled because the weather …

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The Causative Form

The causative form is a grammatical structure used when one person causes another person to do something. It’s a common form in English and is often used to indicate that someone has arranged for an action to be done by someone else. Structure of the Causative Form There are two main ways to form the …

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Grammar – Adverbs

An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb. It provides additional information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action or quality is performed. Several different types of adverbs are used in English:

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