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These three words are often confused. So, here’s an explanation of the differences between “sometime,” “sometimes,” and “some time”: 1. Sometime: 2. Sometimes: 3. Some time: Usage Tips: Examples: Understanding these differences will help you use these words correctly in various contexts. Practice using them in sentences with the QUIZ below!
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Mastering the simple past tense is an essential skill in English grammar. Regular verbs, which form the backbone of everyday communication, follow specific spelling rules when conjugated into the simple past tense. Understanding these rules empowers learners to express past actions accurately and confidently. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key spelling rules governing …
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Have you ever wondered how a single word can convey vastly different meanings, just by adding a few letters at the beginning? Enter the fascinating world of prefixes – those tiny yet mighty linguistic tools that shape our language in profound ways. What are Prefixes? At their core, prefixes are linguistic building blocks, morphemes attached …
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Rob and steal both mean ‘take something from someone without permission’. Rob focuses on the place or person from which the thing is taken. Steal focuses on the thing that is taken. Look at the examples below: ROB – you rob a person or place (of something)rob – robbed – robbedTo rob means to take …
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“Used to” refers to past habits or situations that are no longer true in the present.“Be used to” refers to the state of being familiar or accustomed to something in the present. Used to: “Used to” is a phrase used to describe past habits or situations that were true in the past but are no …
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Beside:“Beside” is a preposition that indicates proximity or location next to something else.It often implies being at the side of or in close proximity to something. Examples:She sat beside her friend during the movie.The cat slept beside the fireplace. Besides:“Besides” is an adverb or a preposition that has several meanings:In addition to or apart from.Moreover …
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QUIT “Quit” is a verb that means to stop or cease doing something. When someone quits an activity, job, or habit, they discontinue or give up that particular action or commitment. “Quit” can also imply resignation or abandonment of a task or responsibility. It is often used in contexts related to work, sports, studies, or …
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Types of Prepositions The different types of prepositions are used to provide us with different information with regard to time (prepositions of time), place (prepositions of place), and direction (prepositions of movement). Besides these three, there are others: prepositions of manner and prepositions of cause and reason. Time: We’ve been working since yesterday.Direction: Go to …
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When do we use the SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE? When something is generally or always true (FACTS or STATES). The book is on the table.The tables aren’t blue.Why is the door open?People need water. For a situation that we think is somewhat permanent.I live in Brazil.She doesn’t eat meat.I am a teacher.Do you have a car? …
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Days of the week (phonetic spelling). REMEMBER: Days of the week always start with a capital letter. We use the verb TO BE to say what day it is. We use the preposition ON to say which day something happens. Other important vocabulary:
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