GRAMMAR – Collocations with off

off color = somewhat indecent or in poor taste“That joke you told was a little off color”off duty = when you stop work“What time does the doctor go off duty?”off guard = unprepared“He was caught off guard by her question.”off -road = when a means of transport is suitable for all terrains“He has an off-road …

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GRAMMAR – Collocations with AT

at first = in the beginning“At first I couldn’t understand my teacher, but then the lessons became easier.”at hand = nearby, available“I always keep an eraser at hand just in case.”at home = when you are in your house“I can relax when I’m at home?”at large = not yet captured“Police say that the robbers are …

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GRAMMAR – Adjectives & Prepositions

GRAMMAR – Adjectives & Prepositions Some adjectives need a preposition before their object. There doesn’t seem to be a logical rule, I’m afraid! We just need to learn them. Afraid of Ashamed of Aware of Capable of Certain of Conscious of Envious of Independent of Jealous of Proud of Eager for Eligible for Famous for …

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GRAMMAR – Conjunctions

GRAMMAR – Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions are words or phrases that introduce dependent clauses in a sentence. Adjective clauses are dependent clauses used to do what an adjective does: modify or describe a noun. The seven subordinating conjunctions that introduce adjective clauses are: who, whom, which, that, whose, when, where. Use who, whom, or that …

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GRAMMAR – Conjunctions

GRAMMAR – Conjunctions ‘Though’, ‘although’, and ‘even though’ are all conjunctions that introduce a clause that shows contrast. Clauses of contrast are dependent clauses used to show how one person, place, or thing is different from another. All three have the same meaning, but even though is slightly stronger than the others. The clause that …

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GRAMMAR – Collocations with GO

Learning collocations with “go” is essential for mastering English fluency. This guide will help you understand and use common phrases like “go home,” “go shopping,” and “go to bed” correctly. By familiarizing yourself with these collocations, you’ll enhance your grammar skills and communicate more naturally. Perfect for ESL learners, this resource provides clear examples and …

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