What’s New

  • Countable vs. Uncountable Quantifiers

    Countable or Uncountable? We use different quantifiers in English depending on whether the noun is countable (things we can count like apples 🍏) or uncountable (things we can’t count like water 💧). Here’s a quick guide to help you out: 🔹 For Countable Nouns: 🔹 For Uncountable Nouns: 🔹 For Both: Remember, countable nouns are…

  • Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda – What Does It Mean?

    You may have heard native English speakers use phrases like woulda, coulda, or shoulda. But what do they mean? These are informal, spoken forms of would have, could have, and should have. These past modal verbs are used to talk about things that didn’t happen, but that we imagine or wish had been different. Let’s…


    Here are some common prepositional phrases, also known as Collocations with prepositions. Prepositional Phrases for Time: Prepositional Phrases for Location or Movement: Prepositional Phrases for Cause or Reason: Prepositional Phrases for State or Condition: Prepositional Phrases for Manner or Degree: PREPOSITIONS with expressions INIn the afternoonIn MarchIn 2024In winterIn 20 minutesIn the endIn a minuteIn…

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