What’s New


    Here are 10 reasons why someone should learn English: Summary: Learning English opens doors to global communication, career growth, and educational opportunities. It makes travel easier, provides access to vast knowledge, and allows you to enjoy entertainment in its original form. English is essential in technology, networking, and cultural understanding, while also sharpening cognitive skills.…

  • Countable vs. Uncountable Quantifiers

    Countable or Uncountable? We use different quantifiers in English depending on whether the noun is countable (things we can count like apples 🍏) or uncountable (things we can’t count like water 💧). Here’s a quick guide to help you out: 🔹 For Countable Nouns: 🔹 For Uncountable Nouns: 🔹 For Both: Remember, countable nouns are…

  • GRAMMAR – Collocations with MAKE & DO

    Collocations are words that go together naturally in English.Learning collocations is essential for making your English sound fluent and natural! LET’S LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAKE & DO:Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks.Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do. DO generally refers to the action…

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