What day is today?

Days of the week (phonetic spelling).

  • Monday (mandei)
  • Tuesday (tiusdei)
  • Wednesday (uenzdei)
  • Thursday (thorzdei)
  • Friday (fraidei)
  • Saturday (sadadei)
  • Sunday (sandei)

REMEMBER: Days of the week always start with a capital letter.

We use the verb TO BE to say what day it is.

  • What day is today?
  • It’s Wednesday.
  • What day is tomorrow?
  • It’s Thursday.
  • What day was yesterday?
  • It was Tuesday.

We use the preposition ON to say which day something happens.

  • My vacation starts on Saturday.
  • The next game is on Sunday.
  • My doctor’s appointment is on Monday.

Other important vocabulary:

  • Yesterday (one day ago)
  • The day before yesterday (two days ago)
  • Tomorrow (one day from now)
  • The day after tomorrow (two days from now)

Days of the Week

What day is today?

1 / 15

Which letter is silent in Wednesday

2 / 15

Which day comes before Friday?

3 / 15

Which day comes between Tuesday and Thursday?

4 / 15

The first day of the work week is _____ .

5 / 15

We use the preposition ____ with days.

6 / 15

There are ____ working days in a week.

7 / 15

There are _____ days in a week.

8 / 15

Saturday and Sunday are ___________ .

9 / 15

Which day comes after Wednesday?

10 / 15

Which day comes before Friday?

11 / 15

Which day comes before Tuesday?

12 / 15

Today is Monday. What day is tomorrow?

13 / 15

Today is Friday. What day was yesterday?

14 / 15

Today is Monday. What day is the day after tomorrow?

15 / 15

Today is Monday. What day was the day before yesterday?

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