VOCABULARY – Workplace Abbreviation

VOCABULARY – Workplace Abbreviation
- ASAP as soon as possible
Send me the report ASAP.
- FYI for your information
FYI, this is the update I got from the team.
- BTW by the way
I read that article BTW. Not so great.
- EOD end of the day
John, I will send you the details by EOD tomorrow.
- ATTN attention (Used to indicate who a letter is for)
Attn: John Smith
- COB close of business (Used to refer to the end of a working day)
Just a reminder that the report must be finished by COB today
- TBD to be decided (You will know it eventually)
No. of participants: TBD
- RSVP It’s French for Répondez S’il Vous Plaît. It means please respond.
RSVP to John by April the 20th
Permanent link to this article: https://englishyourway.com.br/vocabulary-workplace-abbreviation/