Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions of movement describe the direction or movement of someone or something. They are crucial for providing clarity in communication. Let’s explore some common prepositions of movement and how to use them effectively. This graphic shows some of the more common prepositions of movement. Look below for definitions and examples.

1. Up

Definition: Moving from a lower position to a higher one.
Example: She climbed up the stairs.

2. Down

Definition: Moving from a higher position to a lower one.
Example: The cat jumped down from the table.

3. Over

Definition: Moving above something or someone without touching it.
Example: The bird flew over the house.

4. To

Definition: Moving towards a specific destination.
Example: He walked to the store.

5. Away From

Definition: Moving in the opposite direction from a particular place or person.
Example: She ran away from the barking dog.

6. Towards

Definition: Moving in the direction of someone or something.
Example: They walked towards the beach.

7. Past

Definition: Moving beyond a specific point.
Example: The car drove past the old barn.

8. Into

Definition: Moving from outside to a point inside.
Example: She poured the milk into the glass.

9. Out Of

Definition: Moving from inside to a point outside.
Example: He took the keys out of his pocket.

10. Around

Definition: Moving in a circular direction or along the circumference of something.
Example: They walked around the park.

11. Onto

Definition: Moving to a position on a surface.
Example: The cat jumped onto the sofa.

12. Off Of

Definition: Moving away from a surface.
Example: She got off of the bus.

13. Across

Definition: Moving from one side to another.
Example: They swam across the river.

14. Through

Definition: Moving from one side and out the other side of something.
Example: The tunnel goes through the mountain.

15. Along

Definition: Moving in a line next to something.
Example: They walked along the beach.

Practical Tips for Using Prepositions of Movement

  1. Visualize the Movement: Imagine the action described by the verb and how the preposition indicates direction.
  2. Use Context Clues: Consider the context of the sentence to choose the appropriate preposition.
  3. Practice with Examples: Regularly practice by creating sentences using different prepositions of movement.


Understanding and using prepositions of movement correctly can greatly enhance your communication skills. They provide precise information about direction and movement, making your sentences clearer and more informative. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be using these prepositions like a pro!

For more information, see our PREPOSITIONS page.

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