Prepositions of location tell us where one thing is in relation to another thing. REMEMBER: The book is ON the table. In this sentence, the preposition ON tells us the relationship between the book and the table. If we change the preposition, we change the relationship.

Let’s review some common prepositions of location:
- On: Indicates that something is positioned directly above and in contact with a surface.
- In: Suggests that something is contained within the boundaries of an area or space.
- Under: Describes something positioned beneath or below another object.
- Beside: Indicates that something is positioned next to or alongside another object.
- At: Refers to a specific point or place.
- Between: Describes the position of something in the middle of two objects or places.
- Above: Indicates that something is positioned higher than another object.
- Below: Describes the position of something lower than another object.
- Next to: Indicates that something is positioned immediately adjacent to another object.