Welcome to our guide on how words can take different forms as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs! Many words in English change form depending on their role in a sentence, and understanding these transformations is key to mastering grammar and building vocabulary. Here you’ll find tables that show how specific words change across these categories, making it easier to identify and use them correctly. Whether you’re learning how to describe actions, qualities, or ideas, these tables provide a clear and practical reference to help you improve your English. Let’s explore how these forms work and discover their role in communication!

laughterlaughlaughable laughably
criticismcriticize criticalcritically
griefgrieve grievingN/A
heatheathot hotly
darkness darkendarkdarkly
drama dramatizedramaticdramatically
terror/terrorism/terroristterrorize terrified/terrifyingterrifyingly
varietyvaryvarious variously
advice/advisoradvise advisableadvisably
life livelivingN/A
sharpnesssharpensharp sharply
originoriginate originaloriginally
agreement agreeagreeableagreeably
numbernumber numerousnumerously
additionadd additional/addedadditionally
weaknessweakenweak weakly
guide guideguidedN/A
mix/mixturemix mixedN/A
congratulation congratulatecongratulatoryN/A
continuationcontinue continued/continuouscontinuously
denialdenydeniable deniably
argument argueargumentative/arguablearguably
failurefail failed/failingN/A
observation/observerobserve observed/observantobservantly
creation / creativity create creativecreatively
satisfaction satisfy satisfactory / satisfiedsatisfactorily
application apply applicableapplicably
excitement excite excited / excitingexcitedly / excitingly
preparation prepare prepared / preparatorypreparedly
imagination imagine imaginativeimaginatively
pay / payment pay payableN/A
explanation explain explanatoryN/A
industry / industrialisation industrialize industrial industrially
response respond responsiveresponsively
prevention prevent preventive preventively
embarrassment embarrass embarrassing / embarrassed embarrassingly
threat threaten threateningthreateningly
security secure securesecurely
protection protect protectiveprotectively
theory theorize theoreticaltheoretically
completion complete completed completely
symbol symbolize symbolicsymbolically
communication communicate communicative communicatively
appreciation appreciate appreciative appreciatively
end / ending end endlessendlessly
note / notice notice noticeablenoticeably
identification identify identifiableidentifiably
profit profit profitableprofitably
confirmation confirm confirmed / confirmativeN/A
defense defend defensivedefensively
descriptiondescribe descriptivedescriptively
reactionreactreactive / reactionaryreactively / reactionarily
suspicion / suspectsuspectsuspicioussuspiciously
educationeducate educationaleducationally
sympathy sympathizesympatheticsympathetically
depth deependeepdeeply
warmth warm warmwarmly
sweetnesssweeten sweet sweetly
explosionexplode explosiveexplosively
discouragement discouragediscouragingdiscouragingly
shortage shortenshortshortly
attention / attentiveness attendattentiveattentively
discovery / discoverer discoverdiscoveredN/A
powerempower powerful / powerlesspowerfully/powerlessly
reliabilityrely reliablereliably
speciality specialize specialspecially


For terms like congratulatory or grieving, adverbs may exist but are rare and not frequently used in modern English.

Some words do not naturally have a commonly used adverb form (e.g., discover or living).

Word Forms

Multiple-Choice Quiz: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs

1 / 12

Which of the following is only a noun?

2 / 12

Which word is a verb?

3 / 12

Which word is an adjective?

4 / 12

What is the adverb in this sentence: "She sings beautifully"?

5 / 12

Choose the sentence with the correct use of an adjective:

6 / 12

Which of the following is NOT a verb?

7 / 12

What is the noun in this sentence: "The dog barked loudly"?

8 / 12

Which sentence contains an adverb?

9 / 12

What is the adjective in this sentence: "The tall tree fell during the storm"?

10 / 12

Which of the following is both a verb and a noun?

11 / 12

Choose the sentence with the correct use of an adverb:

12 / 12

What part of speech is the word 'quickly' in the sentence: "He ran quickly to catch the bus"?

Your score is

The average score is 71%


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