CONFUSING WORDS – Aisle vs. Isle

“Isle” and “aisle” are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Here’s a detailed explanation of each:


Definition: A small island or peninsula.

Part of Speech: Noun


  • “They spent their vacation on a tropical isle.”
  • “The British Isles consist of Great Britain, Ireland, and over 6,000 smaller isles.”
  • “Robinson Crusoe was stranded on a deserted isle.”

Usage: Use “isle” when referring to a small island, often used in poetic or literary contexts.


Definition: A passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater, or between shelves in a supermarket.

Part of Speech: Noun


  • “Please take a seat in the aisle on the left.”
  • “She walked down the aisle to get married.”
  • “The bread is in the third aisle of the grocery store.”

Usage: Use “aisle” when talking about a passageway between rows of seats, shelves, or other areas.

Quick Tips to Remember:

  • Isle starts with “I” for Island.
  • Aisle starts with “A” and is often found in places like churches, theaters, and stores.

Understanding these differences will help you use “isle” and “aisle” correctly in your writing and speech.

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