GRAMMAR – Either & Neither

GRAMMAR – Either & Neither

Either refers to one of two things or people. Either is always used with a singular verb. Either … or is a correlative conjunction used to connect two things which are the same types, phrases, clauses or words.

  • Either San Francisco or Kansas will win the Superbowl.
  • We can either walk or take a taxi.
  • “Which one do you want?” “Either one is fine.’


Neither makes a negative statement about two things or people. Neither is a conjunction. Neither … nor is a negative correlative conjunction used to connect two things which are the same types, phrases, clauses or words.

  • Neither New England nor Miami will win the Superbowl.
  • We neither drink nor smoke.
  • “Which one do you want, the red one or the blue one?”
    “Neither one. I want to green one.”

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