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VOCABULARY – Beside/Besides

These two words look very similar but are quite different.BESIDE – is a preposition and means ‘next to.’ BESIDES – as a preposition means ‘except.’ BESIDES – as an adverb means ‘also.’

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GRAMMAR – Prepositions of Time

BETWEEN…AND – AFTER – TO/PAST – WITHIN We use BETWEEN … AND to show when something begins and ends, or the range during which something is expected to happen.– The concert will start between 9 pm and 10 pm.– I lived in NY between 1985 and 1997.– The doctor sees patients between 2 and 6 …

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GRAMMAR – Prepositions of Time

FROM … TO – AGO – BEFORE – BY We use FROM … TO to show when something begins and ends.– The class will be from 2 pm to 4 pm.– She was sick from Tuesday to Friday.– The course runs from January to May. We use AGO to say how much time before now …

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GRAMMAR – Confusing Words

WHILE and DURING WHILE is a CONJUNCTION that is used to refer to a background period of time in which another activity happened. It is very similar to during, but it is followed by a sentence (while + subject + verb…), so they are not interchangeable. DURING is a PREPOSITION that is used before an …

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We use hear for sounds that come to our ears, without us necessarily trying to hear them! For example, ‘They heard a strange noise in the middle of the night.’Listen is used to describe paying attention to sounds that are going on. For example, ‘Last night, I listened to my new Post Malone CD.’ So, …

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GRAMMAR – Expletives

Some clauses begin with the introductory words THERE or IT rather than with the subject of the sentence. These introductory words are sometimes called expletives. The expletive THERE shows that someone or something exists, usually at a particular time or place. These sentences generally follow the pattern there + verb to be + subject: There …

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Here are some common prepositional phrases, also known as Collocations with prepositions.

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VOCABULARY – Common Abbreviations

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Here are some of the more common ones: Mr. – MisterMrs. – MissusMs. – Miss [mizz]jr. – JuniorDr. – DoctorBlvd. – BoulevardRd. – RoadDr. – DriveSt. – StreetAve. – AvenueLn. – Lanemph – miles per hourCorp. – CorporationInc. – IncorporatedLtd. – Limited

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GRAMMAR – Subjunctive

The subjunctive mood usually uses the base form of the verb in the ‘that clause’, but the verb to be is a special case. The subjunctive is used after certain expressions that contain an order, a request, a hypothetical, or a wish. It is recommended that she write a speech for the graduation.It is necessary …

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GRAMMAR – Past forms of Irregular Verbs

The difference between a regular and an irregular verb is the formation of the simple past and past participle. Regular verbs are consistent—the simple past ends in ed as does the past participle. BUT, the simple past and past participle of irregular verbs can end in a variety of ways, with no consistent pattern. Here …

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