Grammar Guide: Adding S to the Third Person Singular in Present Simple

In English, when using the present simple tense, verbs often change slightly in the third person singular (when the subject is he, she, or it). These changes depend on the spelling of the verb. Let’s break it down!

1. The Basic Rule: Add “S”

For most verbs, simply add S to the base form:

VerbThird Person Singular


  • He speaks three languages fluently.
  • She drinks coffee every morning.
  • My dog hates my cat.

Tip: This rule applies to most regular verbs that don’t have special endings.

2. Add “ES” After Certain Endings

If a verb ends in -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, or -o, add ES to the base form.

VerbThird Person Singular


  • A mechanic fixes cars.
  • She watches soap operas every afternoon.
  • He kisses his wife before he goes to work.

Why “ES”?
This extra syllable makes the verb easier to pronounce. For example, kiss + s would sound awkward without the E.

3. Replace “Y” with “IES”

If a verb ends in a consonant + Y, change the Y to IES:

VerbThird Person Singular


  • Isabel studies every night.
  • The baby cries all the time.
  • He denies all responsibility.

Exception: If the verb ends in a vowel + Y (e.g., play or buy), just add S:

  • She plays the piano.
  • He buys groceries every Sunday.

Why Are These Rules Important?

In English, the third person singular form is unique and shows grammatical agreement with the subject. Using the correct form improves fluency and helps avoid confusion.

Practice Makes Perfect!

Here are some practice exercises to test your knowledge:

Exercise 1: Complete the Sentences

  1. She _____ (watch) TV every evening.
  2. He _____ (go) to the gym twice a week.
  3. My mom _____ (carry) the groceries.
  4. The cat _____ (hurry) to catch the bird.
  5. John _____ (fix) his bike on weekends.

Exercise 2: Correct the Mistakes

  1. He go to school by bus.
  2. She plays the guitar beautifully. (Correct!)
  3. The dog barkes at strangers.
  4. Maria cry at sad movies.
  5. He washes his car every Saturday. (Correct!)

Key Takeaways

  • Add S for most verbs in the third person singular.
  • Add ES if the verb ends in -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, or -o.
  • Change Y to IES if it follows a consonant.

By mastering these simple rules, you’ll sound more natural when speaking and writing in English.

Adding S to Third Person Singular

1 / 12

Which sentence is correct?

2 / 12

Complete the sentence:

My brother _____ (deny) eating the cookies.

3 / 12

Which sentence is correct?

4 / 12

Which verb form fits?

The dog _____ (go) to the door when someone knocks.

5 / 12

Choose the correct sentence:

6 / 12

Which verb form is correct?

The mechanic _____ (fix) engines all day.

7 / 12

Complete the sentence:

Maria always _____ (carry) her books to class.

8 / 12

Complete the sentence:

He _____ (study) English every weekend.

9 / 12

Choose the correct form:

The baby _____ (cry) every night.

10 / 12

Which sentence is correct?

11 / 12

Complete the sentence:

She _____ (watch) TV every evening.

12 / 12

Complete the sentence:

He _____ (fix) cars for a living.

Your score is

The average score is 83%


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